Yoga is more than just an exercise, it is a combination of four components: postures, breathing practices, deep relaxation and meditation that can transform your health in many ways.

Yoga promotes physical health in multiple ways. Some of them lead to better stress management. Others have a more direct relationship with physical movements and postures in yoga, which help promote flexibility and reduce joint pain.
The following are some of the physical benefits of yoga. In addition to the conditions listed below, research shows that yoga can help with migraines, osteoporosis, balance and mobility problems, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, fibromyalgia and ADHD.
Back pain relief
Back pain is one of the most common health problems. Four out of five people suffer at some time. But yoga seems to help fight it. An analysis of 10 randomized controlled trials found strong evidence of short-term effectiveness and moderate evidence of long-term effectiveness of yoga for chronic low back pain. In fact, the American Pain Society urges doctors to consider recommending yoga to patients with long-term lower back pain.
While it is tempting to stay in bed when our back hurts, doctors no longer recommend prolonged bed rest. Although lying in bed minimizes stress on the lumbar spine, it also causes muscles to lose conditioning, among other problems. In general, the sooner you can get up and move, the faster you will recover. Yoga helps relieve back pain by increasing flexibility and muscle strength. Relaxation, stress reduction and better body awareness also play an important role.
In one study, published in the journal Spine, people with back pain who performed two 90-minute yoga sessions a week for 24 weeks experienced a 56% reduction in pain. They also had less disability and depression than people with back pain who received standard care, such as pain medications. The results also suggested a trend towards the use of fewer pain medications in those who did yoga. When the researchers followed up with the participants six months after the study, 68% of people in the yoga group still practiced yoga an average of three days a week for an average of 33 minutes per session. This is clearly an indicator that shows that yoga seemed useful.
Less pain caused by arthritis
Exercise has been shown to help relieve pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis; However, these symptoms can make physical activity difficult in the first place. Yoga offers a gentle form of exercise that helps improve the range of motion and strengthen the muscles around the painful joints.
In a study of 36 women with knee osteoarthritis, those who did yoga experienced significant improvements in their symptoms compared to women who did not do yoga. The yoga group had a 60-minute class one day a week and then practiced at home several more days, with an average of 112 minutes of yoga per week on their own. After eight weeks, they reported a 38% reduction in pain and a 35% reduction in stiffness, while the group without yoga reported a worsening of symptoms.
People with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder, can also benefit. In another study, women with rheumatoid arthritis reported improvements in their physical health, ability to walk, pain levels, energy and mood, and had significantly less inflamed and sensitive joints, after taking yoga classes two hours per week. for eight weeks.
Came Alive
En Alive Health Spa Resort we have a complete team of professionals, which includes yoga instructors who are trained to provide you with the best solution tailored to your specific needs. Do not hesitate to enjoy and improve your quality of life in our paradise of well-being.